HOW-TO ARTICLE: How Men Are Using “Pavlov’s Theory” To Make A Girl Hungry For Their Touch
Paige didn’t think much of Matt when he first sat down next to her at the coffee shop.
But 10 minutes later, her thoughts about him had completely changed.
He was telling her a ridiculous story about a drunk Florida criminal he’d read about, BUT… she could hardly focus on what he was saying.
She was nodding along, but all she could think was:
“Please touch me again… just your hand on my arm… On my leg… On my back… Anywhere…
I just want to feel your hand on me”
What was going on here?
Why was Paige suddenly obsessed with feeling the touch of a guy who — just 10 minutes earlier — had been a complete stranger?
Paige was experiencing what scientists call ‘Touch Hunger.’
It’s a craving to feel the touch of a particular person that can be so overwhelming, it crowds out any other thoughts in the person’s head.
So they want nothing more than to be touched by that person, and that person alone.
And even though Paige had no idea what was happening to her or why…
What Matt did to give her *Touch Hunger* for him was completely deliberate.
He’d been using a simple 3-Step process he learned from a dating and attraction coach from Canada named Kate Spring.
Kate’s taught hundreds of men this method — often giving them almost complete control over how much woman desires them.
“The process is pretty straightforward” she tells us…
“And is based on the famous experiments of Dr. Pavlov and his dogs.”
You might’ve heard of Dr. Pavlov’s experiments.

He’d ring a bell every time he fed his dogs…
And after just a few repetitions…
Just hearing the bell would make the dogs drool uncontrollably.
The sound of the bell became powerfully linked in the dogs’ brains to feelings of hunger…
Until every time they heard the bell…
Their drooling was immediate and automatic.
It’s a process called Classical Conditioning…
And men all over the world have been using it to control a woman’s desire for them.
Here’s how…
Step 1: They learn to spot “emotional high points” in an interaction. Every conversation has high points and low points.
Her laughing is a high point.
Her feeling appreciated is a high point.
Her talking about something she’s passionate about is a high point.
There are literally hundreds of signs that a girl is experiencing an emotional high point.
And by learning to recognize, or even better, CREATE these emotions high points for her during a conversation… It gives a guy the opportunity to make her hungry for his touch.
Step 2: Touch her in the right way

Just as Pavlov’s dogs linked the sound of the bell to feelings of hunger…
When you touch a girl during an emotional high point, her brain will automatically link the feeling of your touch with the positive emotions she’s feeling. Very quickly, those “good feelings” and your touch will be strongly bound together in her mind.
So she’ll become, and start to look forward to you touching her again.
But you have to touch her in the right way for it to work.
“The key,” Kate tells us “Is to make it seem natural.” There are dozens of ways and places to touch a girl – even one you’ve just met – that won’t come across creepy at all.
But instead, will make her feel comforted, appreciated, and protected.
We’ll get to those in just a minute.
Step 3: Take your touch away.
Once you’ve started casually touching her during emotional high points, you then need to WITHDRAW your touch as the feelings fade.
If you’re constantly touching her, it tends to make girls feel weird and want to pull away…
But by strategically withdrawing your touch…
She’ll start to feel its absence…
Her mind will race, as she wonders when you’re going to touch her again…

She’ll often experience a sort of ache to be touched again by you, so those good feelings come back.*
And when you’re not around…
She could even experience an intense craving to feel your hands on her.
‘Til it drives her crazy, and she absolutely HAS to see you again.*
If you want to know exactly how to touch a woman to get her craving your touch like this…
Thinking about you constantly when you’re not around…
And imagining it’s your hands on her while she touches herself…
Attraction Coach Kate Spring has prepared a special video which teaches how to do exactly that:
Go here and watch this video now…
In this video, you will learn…
How to touch girl in a way that comes across confident and natural, rather than making her uncomfortable
A technique for making her think about kissing you…
How you can use this psychological loophole to make a woman want to sleep with you… or be your girlfriend…
* You must be 18 or older to use this website. Results can vary, this information is not a substitute for personalized help from a licensed professional. *
1. Dunn MJ., Searle R. (2010). Effect of manipulated prestige-car ownership on both sex attractiveness ratings. Br J Psychology, 101 (Pt1): 69-80.
2. Taylor, L., Fiore, A., Mendelsohn, G.A. (2011). “Out of My League”: A Real-World Test of The Matching Hypothesis. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Volume: 37 issue: 7, page(s): 942-954.
3. Dunn, M., Hill, A. (2014). Manipulated luxury-apartment ownership enhances opposite-sex attraction in females but not males. Evolution, Mind, and Behaviour. 14:1, 23-42.
4. Moore F., Cassidy C., Perrett DI. (2010). Evolutionary Psychology. The effects of control of resources on magnitudes of sex differences in human mate preferences. 8(4):720-35.